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Genny, Gina, Grey, and Glenys
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Q. What would you say to parents of kids with autism about dealing with their neurotypical children?
A. I hesitate to comment on this, as I think one of the greatest challenges you can have is to be a parent of a child with autism. I believe it is more challenging than anything I have ever faced in my life. I have two (more or less) neurotypical children. I adore my kids and yes I do feel parenting is quite the challenge but it is nothing compared to the emotional, physical, spiritual, and financial challenges of parenting a child with autism.
    With my sister Gina, the crises were frequent and intense. From my parents’ point of view, it must have felt as if the house was burning down, and when that happens, the only responsible course is to try to put the fire out. You can’t afford to notice that your other children are beautiful and thriving right then. But if there’s any way you can carve out a little time to enjoy and appreciate your other children, that is of course wonderful. I feel certain that isn’t news to anyone, but it is something I wish my parents had been able to do more.


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